This cartoon was drawn by Nate Beeler of the Washington Examiner. A unicorn with solar panels on it represents Obama's policy plans, while the scared man behind it is the policymaker. These depictions use caricature to highlight the flaws in Obama's plans. It shows how unrealistic and demanding the plans are, which Obama's statement of disappointment furthers. This is a statement that while sounding good, his proposals are useless in their current state. Beeler is critical of Obama's plans for re-election.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Senior year (6)
My school year has been going pretty well so far. I have been accepted to the college of my choice, Iowa State. My grades aren't bad and school hasn't been overwhelming despite taking 5 AP classes. I'm hoping for the rest of the year to go as well. Comparative government is going to be interesting, I enjoy looking at the big picture ideas and relations. Graduation will be exciting and despite the year going pretty well I still want to get out of high school and into college.
GOP race (5)
Romney is the most likely GOP candidate. Santorum and Paul are almost out, so the race is basically between Gingrich and Romney. Between his wives and Freddie Mac, Gingrich has too much questionable activity to give him a good shot. Along with that he has Santorum and Paul taking further votes away from him. On the other hand Romney has no scandal, a solid plan, and his personal finances to go on giving him a much stronger stand to compete for candidacy.
The holidays (4)
Holidays are great time to relax and enjoy life. I have had many good holiday experiences, but the best would be my Christmas when I was 8 years old. I went to Savanna Georgia to visit my grandparents. It was a great week and the last time seeing my grandfather. Those last days I spent with him are times I will always treasure and enjoy. To be honest there aren't many memories, however I do remember a few details like the delicious lemon cookies we had and the long table filled with sewing stuff. The best parts were moments such as sitting on the carpet listening to oldies on a record player, while listening to him telling stories about his life. Those are the times to cherish forever.
Obama's chances (3)
Obama's current job approval is 43%, this is an increase from a couple months ago, but worse than it has been over his entire presidency. He is getting support for his actions in Iraq, but this is lost through the lack of approval of his economic policy and the deficit. The polls show Obama having a low chance of getting re-elected. This is because he has one of the lowest presidential approval ratings in the last 48 years of a president seeking re-election.
Mitt Romney as president? (2)
Mitt Romney has a good chance of becoming the president in 2012. He has a specific plan for creating jobs that he says he will get Congress to pass within 30 days of entering office. It is a relatively sound plan that may help the American economy. This will help him win because the economy is one of the biggest issues for people. Mitt Romney revealing showing that he spent less than 15% taxes for his revenues last year along with his massive wealth has turned off many voters. This disconnect from the common man may result in Romney losing the election.
National debt cartoon (5)
This cartoon was drawn by Rick McKee of the Augusta Chronicle. A large monster is used to represent the US debt, and a US flag represents Obama's State of the Union address. This is ridiculing what Obama said about the US. Obama's claim that the US is strong is shown to be ridiculous because of how huge the debt is. These troubles can't be masked by the patriotism in his speech, as is represented by the flag. McKee is against Obama and dislikes the debt.
Sinking the US cartoon (4)
This cartoon was drawn by Gary McCoy of Cagle Cartoons. Obama is being portrayed as a captain and the sinking ship is implied to be the US. Dead bodies are also floating in the water to dramatize the situation. This is using the recent cruise line wreck as an analogy to the U.S. to ridicule Obama. Obama is compared to Schettino as having lead the U.S. astray. This is blaming Obama for the economic issues and saying that its ridiculous that he's trying to run for president again after making these mistakes. McCoy is strongly against Obama getting re-elected.
Cheating Gingrich cartoon (3)
This cartoon was drawn by Adam Zyglis of the Buffalo News. Freddie Mac is represented by a greedy looking businessman with a suitcase full of money. Gingrich has his arms linked with the businessman and a sign to represent his involvement with Freddie Mac. The cartoon points out two of Gingrich's major faults through satire. His statement is directly about his bad deals with Freddie Mac, but also alludes to him cheating on his wives. It's a strong reminder that Gingrich was paid by Freddie Mac when he was a congressman, assisting in creating this bad economy. Zyglis does not believe Gingrich is a good candidate because of his past actions showing that he is a cheat.
Obama taxation cartoon (2)
This cartoon was drawn by Rick McKee of the Augusta Chronicle. Their is a pile of money and person to represent the rich and their taxes. The juxtaposition of Obama's statement and the visualization of his plan creates an ironic scene. The irony is used to highlight that plans to increase taxes on the rich is not going to help everyone. This is saying that the proposed increase of income tax on the rich is not the easy solution Obama is trying to make it sound like. McKee does not support Obama and is a Republican.
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